Parents & Caregivers

Programs and Workshops for Parents & Caregivers + Free Resources

Service Delivery Options

HD Live Broadcasting

 Using best in industry webinar-based professional broadcasting software and hardware. We provide a safe, secure, and private online webinar experience, using industry-leading software, to provide a high-definition video and audio online learning environment that is second to none.

Innovative Q&A where every participant can ask moderated questions from their own device (smartphone, tablet, computer).


Video On Demand (VOD)

Video on demand from The White Hatter provides recorded, edited, and produced videos anytime and anywhere. These are created in our very own studio by team members.

VOD programs are NOT recordings of our live presentations or video meetings. They are independently created covering similar topics but presented differently in a TV or movie-style format for select programs.


Premiere Access is a Video on Demand program provided at a group rate accessible to a schools, businesses, or community organizations. Unlike VOD, every community member can accesses a produced video within 24 hours for select programs.


Traditional style group lecture presentations run in a classroom, gymnasium, or auditorium. We bring all equipment needed for most settings.

The White Hatter Studio

The White Hatter Broadcasting Studio is more than just a laptop webcam meeting. We use a professionally outfitted multi-media broadcasting studio with multiple (6) camera angles. Using best in industry webinar-based professional broadcasting software and hardware. We provide a safe, secure, and private online webinar experience, using industry-leading software, to provide a high-definition video and audio online learning environment that is second to none. We also have the ability to seamlessly integrate with other virtual programs such as ZOOM, TEAMS, BLUEJEANS, SKYPE or any other web-based platform if requested.

Watch an Example Live Broadcast

Parent & Caregiver Programs

Digital Literacy and Internet Safety for Parents and Caregivers
Digital Literacy and Internet Safety for Parents and Caregivers
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / Video On Demand / In-Person / Premiere
Helping parents to proactively understand the enabling power of technology and mobile communications, but also how to mitigate the sometimes unintended consequences of high risk or undesirable online behaviour.
Supporting Youth Being Targeted by, Aggression, Cyberbullying, Threats, Hacks, and Violence
Supporting Youth Being Targeted by, Aggression, Cyberbullying, Threats, Hacks, and Violence
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / In-Person
This program aims to help parents and caregivers support youth who may find themselves subject to various forms of aggression online. We will outline concerning signs to looks for.
Teen Sexting, Nudes, Distribution of Intimate Images, and the Law
Teen Sexting, Nudes, Distribution of Intimate Images, and the Law
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / In-Person
This program covers teen “sexting” based on academic peer-reviewed research, laws, and our investigative experience to help teens understand consent, choices, consequences and how they can take specific actions to reduce legal liability and reduce harm emotionally, psychologically, physically and socially specific to this subject.
Online Sexual Predation and Exploitation What Is the Threat, and What Can Caregivers Do to Help Minimize the Risks
Online Sexual Predation and Exploitation: What Is the Threat, and What Can Caregivers Do to Help Minimize the Risks
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / In-Person
This parent and caregiver presentation covers information specific to understanding what online predation and exploitation is, what is looks like, and what parents and caregivers can do to help reduce the risks to pre-teens and teens.
Online Porn, Radicalization, Shaming & Disinformation
Online Porn, Radicalization, Shaming & Disinformation
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / In-Person
Despite all the good online, it would be negligent not to acknowledge the fact that there is concerning content that both parents and youth need to know about from an emotional, psychological, physical, social and cognitive standpoint. This webinar covers the categories of major concern that both parents and youth should be alive to, and how parents can talk about these concerns in an enlightening and not frightening way.
Monitoring, Filtering, and Tools for Parents & Caregivers Image
Monitoring, Filtering, and Tools for Parents & Caregivers
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / In-Person
An overview of the various tools and resource available for families to help manage online connection and communication. No software or hardware tool is 100% effective, but learn about the products and resources that we recommend to families.
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / In-Person
Parents love to share and promote, through pictures and posts, how proud they are of their children in their social media. However, could these pictures and postings have unintended consequences to their child later in life? In this webinar, we talk about, and provide examples of something called “sharenting.”
Technology Sleep and Children
Technology, Sleep, and Children
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / In-Person
Anecdotally, and from a peer reviewed research perspective, we know that technology can have a less than desirable effect on sleep patterns. Research has also provided evidence that there is a correlation between sleep deprivation, inhibited learning and being able to self-regulate emotions. In this webinar we will be looking at the correlation between technology, sleep challenges, inhibited learning, and emotional self-regulation and what parents can do overcome these challenges.
The Good of Social Media, Technology, and Teens
The Good of Social Media Technology and Teens
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / In-Person
The news likes to shine a light on teens and how they use social media and technology in a negative way. In this webinar, we talk about how the majority of teens are doing super cool things online, some of which we guarantee will surprise you!
Gaming Concerns Balance, Addiction Opportunities Image
Gaming Concerns, Balance, Addiction & Opportunities
Schools / Parents & Caregivers
Live HD Broadcast / In-Person
This session will help families create healthy gameplay boundaries based upon credible peer-reviewed research, stories, and first-hand examples of the positives and negatives of online gaming. We will also examine the research surrounding the debate of gaming addiction.

The White Hatter Resources

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News Show

Explosive USB Drives!
Explosive USB Drives!
Twitter No More SMS 2FA for Free – Twitter Blue Only
Twitter No More SMS 2FA for Free – Twitter Blue Only
Facebook Password Flaw - Now Fixed
Facebook Password Flaw - Now Fixed
Scammed by ChatGPT! Darkside of AI
Scammed by ChatGPT! Darkside of AI

Current digital literacy news and updates. Our interpretation on the impact for students, parents, schools staff, and all internet consumers.

Unanswered Questions

Unanswered Questions Ep25 - The White Hatter Live Broadcast After Show (Student Questions)
Unanswered Questions Ep25 - The White Hatter Live Broadcast After Show (Student Questions)
Unanswered Questions Ep24 - The White Hatter Live Broadcast After Show (Student Questions)
Unanswered Questions Ep24 - The White Hatter Live Broadcast After Show (Student Questions)
Unanswered Questions Ep23 -  The White Hatter Live Broadcast After Show (Student Questions)
Unanswered Questions Ep23 - The White Hatter Live Broadcast After Show (Student Questions)
Unanswered Questions Ep22 -  The White Hatter Live Broadcast After Show (Student Questions)
Unanswered Questions Ep22 - The White Hatter Live Broadcast After Show (Student Questions)

During our live broadcasts sometimes there is not enough time to answer all the amazing questions from students. We take time every month to answer top voted questions from our audience.

Ask Us Anything. Anytime.

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